frequently asked questions.

Who can I bring to my appointment?

We welcome you to bring up to four guests with you to enjoy your experience. Little ones are welcomed.

What is the difference between 3D and 4D Ultrasound?

3D is a single three-dimensional image of your baby’s features, whereas 4D is a live video of your baby. Both imaging practices allows you to have a clearer image of your baby before they arrive. We offer both 3D and 4D ultrasound services in our packages at The Bump Boutique.

Is there any type of prep for the ultrasound?

2-3 days leading up to your appointment, we ask all our moms to increase their water intake and to stay hydrated. This provides an increase in amniotic fluid around the baby allowing for clearer images.

What happens if my baby is being shy during my session?

We strive to get the best images possible of your baby, however if any circumstances prevents us from providing you with a clear image, we offer a free 10 minute re-scan appointment scheduled at your convenience.